
Human Experience is the new
Human Resources

Take advantage of our small business Human Experience experts, on-demand.


Our team has you covered, no matter the situation

Canadians deserve more than cold corporate HR That's why we've re-imagined the human experience to fit your small or mid-sized businesses From buzzwords to practical questions, our HX specialists are ready to answer your call.

Human Experience works through compliance and consulting


Compliance helps manage your business through audits, core compliance policies, employment standards policies, and respect, violence and harassment training.


Consulting provides custom, on-demand and monthly support. You gain access to emergency consultations, single-session consultations, ongoing monthly HX essentials, and senior advisory support.

How can HX help?


ESA, OHSA, health & safety, human rights, data and employee file management.


Insights into competitive pay rates, and how to negotiate offers and raises.

Staff relations

What your workplace accommodations should look like. How to deal with conflicts and harassment. How to build a company culture.


Legal obligations for training, assessing management and how to find the correct training for your team.


Dealing with lateness, time theft, and no-shows? Understand what causes underperformance and help with strategies and terminations.

Recruit and onboard

Information you need to deal with staff shortages, expiring VISAs, co-op programs, legal requirements and contracts.

Chat with us to get started

We're here to answer any of your questions and give the best advice for your business


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